GHS Uniform Policy
The uniform policy has been endorsed by the School Council, the P&C. Wearing school uniform is an important aspect of Gorokan High School’s expectations of students.
Wearing uniform is important because:
- It helps to ensure the safety of students inside and outside the school.
- It allows easy identification of students especially when the school has intruders or visitors or when students are on excursions.
- It gives the school an identity in the community.
- It generates pride in the school and an identity with the school.
- It tells the community and employers in particular a lot about a student’s attitude to school, their willingness to follow regulations and procedures, their respect authority and their character.
At Gorokan we value respect, responsibility and personal best – complying with uniform regulations reinforces these values.
Practical Subjects
Practical subjects have specifc uniform requirements which may include aprons, hair nets, chef’s cap and closed in leather shoes. The teachers will advise students of what is required.
Safe footwear is an important safety item and in accordance with the Safe Working Policy, the NSW Department of Education has identified areas where appropriate footwear must be worn to ensure students safety.
Areas where enclosed leather footwear is required are:
- Industrial arts and trades workshop areas
- Science laboratories
- Canteen or Food Technologoy (kitchen areas)
Gorokan High School enforces the Department of Education’s Work Health and Safety Policy and appreciates your co-operation in providing the appropriate footwear for students to wear. This implementation has been made for student safety and the safety of others.
GHS Uniform Shop
GT School Uniform Shop
During the current situation of Covid-19, it would be preferred that uniforms be purchased online at or the students can come to the school uniform shop.
Online Ordering
- For more information, please follow the link to Gosford Tailoring
- Orders will be delivered to the office after 8.30am on Tuesday and Thursday.
- A SMS will be sent when the order is read to be picked up.
On School Premises
- Opening hours: 7.30am - 8.30am, Tuesday and Thursday
All sizing charts are available on the website.
If sizes are incorrect, GT School are happy to exchange. Please contact Leanne, Uniform Coordinator via email with the details of items that need to be exchanged.
School Uniform Exchange Program
Our school community and P&C recognise our beautiful uniform and, with your assistance, encourage all students to attend each day in full school uniform.
In 2023, Gorokan High will be running a Uniform Exchange Program. If students arrive at school without the correct uniform they will be given a school uniform for the day.
The process is as follows:
- Within roll call students who are out of uniform will be directed to the uniform exchange room.
- Student will be expected to exchange their “out of uniform” item for a school uniform.
- This will be recorded within our Sentral system and parents will be notified.
- At the end of the school day students will collect their item and return the school uniform.
- The school uniform item will be washed and ironed ready for the next exchange.
Gorokan High School understands from time to time students will be unable to attend in full school uniform. The Uniform Exchange is not a negative consequence, it’s a way of ensuring students feel connected to the school, proud of their uniform and continue to feel a part of the school community.