Welcome to Gorokan High School Library
We love books at GHS!
We have a large collection of fiction and non fiction books for educational, informational and recreational use. We encourage reading for pleasure. We constantly update our collection to suit the needs and wishes of our students. Requests are always welcome.
We are open each day from 8am - 2.30pm including Lunch 1 and Lunch 2 but we are closed Lunch 2 Friday week B.
Library Loans for fiction and non fiction are for 2 weeks
please contact the library to renew your your loans. If students have overdue books or textbooks they need to return these before they can borrow again.
Borrowing for years 7 to 10
2 fiction 2 non fiction and textbooks as required
Borrowing Seniors
4 fiction 6 non fiction and as many textbooks as required
If there are any questions regarding overdue books or textbooks please contact the the Teacher Librarian Ms Powell.
Our library subscribes to Wheelers ePlatform ebooks and audio books. A huge range of titles are now available for you to download and enjoy. To access the full range
- Download the ePlatform app on your preferred device
- Search for Gorokan High School
- Login using your DOE username and password
- Make your selection borrow and enjoy
Printing - Our friendly library staff are happy to help you with any of your printing needs. Black and white = 10c and colour is 20c.
Supported Senior Study - Each Wednesday afternoon until 4.15pm
Senior assignment submission- Seniors need to submit assessment tasks at the library on the due date prior to 8.20am. Plastic sleeves and orange submission forms are available senior study you can print a submission form from here.
Assessment task submission form (pdf 95 KB)
Late Assessment task submission form (pdf 302 KB)
If you have problems printing you task please DONT PANIC email your task to Ms. Powell samantha.powell@det.nsw.edu.au and she will print it for you.
Useful links
- My library link go to your student portal log in and you will find a link to GHS library.
- TV4Education and use you det password to log in
- World book online - An online encyclopedia, like the traditional world book with millions of topics. Login = gorokanhs and Password = gorokanhs
- The information process - How to start and finish an assignment
- Central Coast Library Service
- State Library of NSW
- Cybersafety - Cybersmart for teens
- ePlatform